PATROL REPORT – October 6, 2022

October 6, 2022 – (Balboa Peninsula Point Patrol Assignment)

Shift: 6pm to 2am 

Sean Toomay on duty

6:00-7:00.. Patroled into the property at A street B,C,D,E,F,G to Ocean front alley back to Channel and jetty park then up to the clubhouse and fishing peir. I then patroled over to E Bay alley and back to Channel and Seville and Granada Avenues.Then back to Jetty park ..

7:00-8:00….. I patroled alleys and streets on the east side of the neighborhood and the west side alleys and streets on the west side. I’m starting all alleys on the point for garage door openings.I then Patroled the entire perimeter and interior. All is well Code 4……. 8

8:00-9:00…… At 2166 Ocean front,The very corner house,they have finished the side yard. Unfortunately there is no wall or fence.It is a point of interest moving forward to keep an eye on the area being in a popular spot on the beach next to ,Jetty park and the wedge..I then continued to Patrol up to Balboa blvd across to E Bay alley and back to the fishing pier and the clubhouse…

9:00-10:00…… I patroled back to Miramar and Miramar alley and L street and L park and I street and I alley. Then across to Channel and jetty park then across Ocean blvd to Ocean front alley back to Channel. Then I Patroled the alleys on the east side of the neighborhood.I then went up to close the fishing pier….

10:00-11:00….. I have a garage door open at 2037 Ocean blvd. I have gone to the front door,there is no answer.I will continue to monitor the situation.

The garage door has been closed. Now we have a black out on the entire peninsula point. There are workman stationed on Balboa blvd near A street. And on Channel near Granada. I spoke to one of them.They said the black out is until 4:00 am.I have closed Jetty park and I’m Patroling the perimeter and interior as well as alleys.Everything appears ok for now..

11:00-12:00 Continuing my patrol of the neighborhood. circling the neighborhood countless times,interior and the perimeter.Everything is Code 4.I’m Patroling Balboa blvd to G street then Ocean blvd to Channel and jetty park,then up to Balboa blvd and the clubhouse and fishing peir……

12:00-12:30 quick cup of coffee break..back

12:30-1:00…. Came back to the neighborhood at A street B,C,D,E,F,G to Ocean blvd across to Channel and jetty park. A full perimeter patrol and interior patrol of the neighborhood. Code 4.still very dark on the point….

1:00-2:00….. I continued my patrol across Balboa blvd to G street then Ocean front alley back to Channel and jetty park. Then Ocean blvd to G street then up to E Bay alley and back to the fishing pier and the clubhouse. Then down to jetty park.Then interior alleys throughout the neighborhood. Then one more perimeter patrol of the neighborhood. Ending up across Ocean blvd to G street and Balboa blvd off property……

2:00…….. Sean Toomay off duty…